Memorial Day Program - El Toro Memorial Park

On Monday, May 26, 2025, El Toro Memorial Park will host its 34th Annual Memorial Day Program at 11:00 a.m. The program will be held in the Old Section at the rear of the park. The program is free to the public and will take place rain or shine. Attendees are welcome to bring their own lawn chairs and seating for 400 will be provided.
The program will include the reading of General Logan's Order, the recognition of attending Veterans and Blue and Gold Star Mothers, and a wreath presentation by representatives from the surrounding cities. An Honor Guard Firing Salute will be provided by members of VFW Post 6024. Special music will be provided by the Master Chorale of Saddleback Valley. Musician, Richard Cook will play "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes and the sounding of "Taps' will be played by bugler, Alfred Lang.
The Orange County Cemetery District wishes to thank all of the many volunteers who make this program possible.